Transparency in Transport with API: Using mobile technology to bridge the visibility gap
12 Jun 2023
The Concept
In 2021, Odette published the recommendation “Automotive Supply Chain API for Transport T & T”, which describes how to define and implement standardised REST-API interfaces for the collection and provision of discrete pieces of information supporting logistics activities in the automotive supply chain. It describes the use of REST-API in transport processes as an extension to established EDI data exchange processes.
Several major VDA member companies then approached Odette with a plan to put into practice the principles described in this recommendation through the development of a MVP ‘proof of concept’ application for Transparency in Transport, facilitating the use of mobile devices for the capture and transmission of data.
The key is to be able to link the shipment details to the means of transport that is/are used to carry out the shipment throughout the journey from the original despatch location (Ship-from) to the final receiver location (Ship-to).
The application, which is being developed as a joint project between Odette and VDA, will rely on an API interface that will enable all actors in the transport chain to connect to a central platform to feed and access transport information via mobile devices
Next Steps
The application will be made available to other automotive companies and LSPs/TSPs to carry out real life testing and it is anticipated that the results of this testing will be available at the end of 2023.
The ultimate goal is to establish a standard for interoperability, based on the proof of concept, to facilitate interaction between operators and fill the gaps which are currently not covered by classic EDI messages (such as DESADV and IFTSTA).
The standard will cover the visibility of shipments on all different transport means (trucks, trains, ships and aircraft) and include interconnections between different visibility platforms. It will also enable the integration of smaller partners who currently have a lower level of digitalisation (such as sub-contract carriers).