Providing standards, tools and services
for the automotive supply chain

Serious Message for Senior Management

25 Jun 2024

The regulatory landscape is changing at a rate of knots and there is an imperative to raise awareness of policy makers about existing industry practices and how new regulations will adversely affect them.

The {Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulations} is a typical example of where senior management support is needed to ensure that the appropriate IT systems are in place in time to meet the regulations.

There is also a special urgency to review the requirements of the {VAT in the Digital Age} (ViDA) legislation, the implementation of which has been estimated will cost German OEMs alone €1 Billion, for no significant business benefits.

Odette is a facilitator and co-ordinator of projects and provides technical support to the automotive community with expertise in data modelling, digital messaging, application development, etc,. We can also work with international technical bodies to promote and protect the interests of the European automotive supply chain in the wider industrial and regulatory environment but we are not in the right position to affect EU regulations.

Industry Leaders need to also take a lead in ensuring that EU regulations do not have a seriously adverse effect on automotive supply chain operations and, where this is not possible, ensuring that their supply chain processes and information systems are capable of coping with them.