Local Odette support for automotive industry in Brazil
09 Jul 2019
For example, Version 5 of MMOG/LE will be deployed globally in the coming months by automotive customers, and will be the first version of the SCM capability assessment tool to be solely available via the new browser-based application MMOG.np (np = new platform).
Under growing pressure to reduce the environmental impact of their logistics operations vehicle manufacturers are looking more and more towards local sourcing. In these changing circumstances, having local support in the local language is even more vital. Odette has therefore decided to set up a network of Odette Partnerships in a number of automotive countries.
The first such partnership has been established with IQA, “Institute for Automotive Quality”, a non-profit certification body specialised in the automotive sector in Brazil. IQA will support deployment of Odette Standards, Tools and Services in the region to help the supplier community meet their customer’s requirements more quickly and more efficiently.
IQA will also be responsible for distributing Odette publications in Brazil and providing translations where necessary. IQA as the Odette recommended MMOG trainer for Brazil, will be instrumental in ensuring a seamless transition of the supplier base to the new version and the new platform.