The joint
Odette/AIAG recommendation Key Performance Indicators for Automotive Supply
Chain Management (LK03) insists that reports on the accuracy of deliveries and
alerts concerning deviations from the logistics agreement must be communicated
by the customer to the supplier immediately after each delivery or each
This digital message is used to report the progress of a means of transport and/or its contents during a journey, either at regular intervals or at the completion of particular events en-route.
Lack of Interoperability is a major obstacle to the wider deployment of RFID technology throughout the automotive supply chain. To overcome this obstacle, the JAIF* developed two major standards covering the use of RFID to identify parts and vehicles and the use of RFID to identify containers.
The OFTP2 protocol is constantly reviewed and updated by the Odette OFTP2 Experts Group, and the majority of OFTP2 solutions on the market have recently been re-tested to ensure, new features have been implemented correctly.
Auto-Id technologies provide a reliable means to identify and track items as they move through the supply chain, providing the visibility that all professional practitioners seek. While some automotive manufacturers investigate the capabilities of other technologies, RFID still tops the list as the favoured technology, assisted by a considerable decrease in the cost of the associated hardware over the past decade.
In September 2017, Odette published its Best Practice Recommendation ‘Packaging Management Guidelines’ (LG14) which was the result of a number of OEMs, Tier suppliers and LSPs from across Europe as well as Odette National Organisations working together to define the essential preconditions to packaging management.
Odette has appointed CEDEX, provider of e-Autohub, the largest Chinese automotive network, as a Registration Authority (RA) in China for the Odette Certification Authority (CA).