Providing standards, tools and services
for the automotive supply chain

Technologies news

Finished Vehicle Logistics goes digital

15 Sept 2020

A first collaboration between ECG – the Association of European Vehicle Logistics, VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie and Odette International.

Making RFID work throughout the automotive supply chain

16 Aug 2020

Auto-Id technologies provide a reliable means to identify and track items as they move through the supply chain, providing the visibility that all professional practitioners seek. While some automotive manufacturers investigate the capabilities of other technologies, RFID still tops the list as the favoured technology, assisted by a considerable decrease in the cost of the associated hardware over the past decade.

Returnable Packaging Management toolkit now complete

31 May 2019

In September 2017, Odette published its Best Practice Recommendation ‘Packaging Management Guidelines’ (LG14) which was the result of a number of OEMs, Tier suppliers and LSPs from across Europe as well as Odette National Organisations working together to define the essential preconditions to packaging management.

Odette appoints Registration Authority in China

17 Sept 2013

Odette has appointed CEDEX, provider of e-Autohub, the largest Chinese automotive network, as a Registration Authority (RA) in China for the Odette Certification Authority (CA).