Technologies resources
Implementing RFID in the Automotive Supply Chain
This recommendation aims to help the automotive industry, project leaders and users, and external technology integrators or vendors to implement RFID processes across different partners of the supply chain, in order to obtain good interoperability and avoid multiple solutions that could become a blocking point for industry suppliers.
The document covers different logistics and supply chain use cases, some of which are described in more detail in related annexes. It focuses on issues which contribute to defining common standards for a better interoperability between the partners involved.In terms of technology, many contactless radio frequency technologies are available and can justly be applied in specific use cases. In order to simplify the recommendations, this document focuses on Passive UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID technology.
RFID for Tracking of Parts and Assemblies
This Odette recommendation describes the processes and methods of tracking and tracing of vehicle parts and enabling the authentication of original parts using RFID technology. It has been developed to move towards achieving widespread standardisation of RFID component usage, tag data storage and RFID technology implementation across supply chains.
RFID in Vehicle Distribution Processes
This Odette recommendation describes the processes and methods of tracking and tracing vehicles in the distribution processes from factory to dealer using RFID technology and a smart label. It has been developed to move towards achieving widespread standardisation of RFID component usage, tag data storage and RFID technology implementation across vehicle distribution chains.
Returnable Transport Items Identification
Version 3 published March 2021. RFID technology has been widely adopted by the automotive industry in individual organisations due to the efficiency and security gains it delivers. However, widespread use between companies is currently much rarer due to compatibility issues. In response to this, Odette, AIAG, JAMA and JAPIA have jointly developed recommendations for RFID use in Returnable Transport Items Identification. The aim is to help moves toward the creation of general purpose global guidelines and accelerate further international adoption of RFID solutions.
RFID Item Level Standard
Version 3 published March 2021. This Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Item Level Standard describes best practices, processes, and methods for item identification, verification, traceability, product characteristics, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) throughout the global automotive supply chain. Extensive efforts have been made by the automotive industry to incorporate interchangeable data use between 2D optical symbols and electronic media such as RFID. This publication gives standards for the implementation and use of RFID in such applications and was jointly produced by Odette, AIAG, JAMA and JAPIA.
Capturing Supply Chain Events with auto-ID
To achieve process transparency, machine-readable objects and ways of tracking these objects along the process chain need to be defined and implemented. The Odette Recommendations LR01, LR02, LR03, LR04 and LR05 outlined the foundations and the next logical step is the implementation of standardised communication with all business partners across company boundaries, based on international standards he Odette Recommendation “Capturing Supply Chain Events with auto-ID” addresses this issue.
VIN Labels in the Vehicle Distribution Process
Developed by Odette and ECG, this recommendation has the following objectives:
- Define a standard location and fixing method for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a size and layout for the vehicle identification label
- Define a minimum content for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a bar-coding standard
- Provide recommendations for the quality of the vehicle identification label
Global Transport Label - European Profile
Members of the JAIF combined the best features from their own label standards – including ISO 15394, ANSI MH10.8.1, the Odette Transport Label and the AIAG B-10 to produce a standard Global Transport Label which includes features such as the ISO “Licence plate,” Linear Bar Code 128 and 2D Data Matrix, QR Code and PDF417. Based on this standard, Odette has further developed and maintained a European profile.
Global Transport Label
This document details common Global Transportation Label standards on container-labelling for use by suppliers and customers, and has been updated to include Data Matrix and QR code 2D symbologies. It was developed by collaboration between the members of Odette, AIAG and JAMA automotive associations representing more than 80% of worldwide production.
Odette Transport Label - Large (OTL1)
This is the original A5 Odette Transport Label (210mm x 102mm) which is designed to be used on product packaging units and transport packaging units sent between supplier and customer. First introduced in the 1980s, this label spec has been updated several times and is still in widespread use in the automotive industry today.
Odette Transport Label - Small (OTL3)
This Odette label (210mm x 74mm) was introduced to allow its use on smaller units where the original A5 label was too large. It also allows for the inclusion of additional logistics information to facilitate the automated movement of product packaging units from warehouse to trackside.
Security Features to consider when developing APIs
Provides guidelines on how to address security features when developing and implementing APIs. It is not intended as a complete and detailed catalogue of measures but should give interested pares hints and best pracce recommendaons on this topic.
Automotive Supply Chain API for Transport Track & Trace
Describes how to define and implement standardised REST-API interfaces for the collection and provision of discrete pieces of information supporting logistics activities in the automotive supply chain.
It includes a data model and functionality for the use of REST-API in transport processes as an extension to established EDI data exchange processes.
Technical Rules for the Use of API in Automotive Supply Processes
Describes how to define and implement standardised REST-API interfaces for collaboration within the automotive industry and between the automotive industry and their partners and focuses on technical rules that are common to all supply processes for the development of all supply chain REST-APIs.
Odette Purchase Order Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT ORDERS D.05B - Syntax v4
Odette Purchase Order Change Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT ORDCHG D.05B - Syntax v4
Odette Purchase Order Response Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT ORDRSP D.05B - Syntax v4
Odette Price List Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT PRICAT D.96A - Syntax v4
Joint Automotive Delivery Forecast Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.04A - Syntax v4
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Joint Automotive JIT Delivery Instructions Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.18A - Syntax v4
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Odette Delivery Schedule Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DELFOR D.96A - Syntax v4
Odette Schedule Exception Handling Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DELFOR D.04A - Syntax v4
Odette Call-Off Delivery Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DELJIT D.98B - Syntax v4
Odette Synchronised Delivery Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DELJIT D.03A - Syntax v4
Odette KANBAN Delivery Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DELJIT D.96A - Syntax v4
Joint Automotive Despatch Advice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.20B
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Odette Despatch Advice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT DESADV D.96A - Syntax v4
Joint Automotive Receiving Advice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.07A - Syntax v4
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Managing Inbound Transport with Mobile Apps
The recommendation describes a standard model for the exchange of data between the yard management systems of the plants and the transport management system of the transport service providers. Based on this recommendation, application developers will be able to develop and programme the various IT systems in such a way that the requirements for the operational control of transport in the arrival area are supported uniformly across all apps.
Odette Battery Data Exchange Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on UN D.21A S4 - S3 Profile (Part 11)
Traceability of Vehicle Components
The extended supply chains of automotive businesses require accurate and efficient traceability of parts and components across several layers. But to ensure that components can be traced properly throughout different organisations and systems, an element of standardisation of tracking processes is needed. This document includes a variety of standardised processes for implementing component traceability and identifying technical specifications.
Joint Automotive Invoice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.07A - Syntax v4
Odette Invoice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT INVOIC D.03A - Syntax v4
Odette Statement of Account Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT STATAC D.96A - Syntax v4
Joint Automotive Remittance Advice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.04A - Syntax v4
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Odette Remittance Advice Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT REMADV D.96A - Syntax v4
Odette Deviation Report Message
XML Implementation Guideline
The XML message specified in this publication provides a means for a customer in the Automotive Supply Chain to transmit a report of a Logistics Catalogue Deviation to a supplier electronically as recommended in the Odette/AIAG Recommendation ‘KPIs for Automotive Supply Chain Management (LK03)’.
Odette Delivery Accuracy Report Message
XML Implementation Guideline
The XML message specified in this publication provides a means for a customer in the Automotive Supply Chain to transmit a report of a Delivery Accuracy Rating to a supplier electronically as recommended in the Odette/AIAG Recommendation ‘KPIs for Automotive Supply Chain Management (LK03)’.
OFTP2 Implementation Guideline
The ODETTE File Transfer Protocol 2 (OFTP2) has become one of the most widely used and trusted protocols for secure information exchange over the internet.
This publication contains comprehensive technical guidelines on implementing and operating OFTP2, including use of digital certificates, archiving and integrating into existing IT infrastructures.
Developer guidelines are included for software vendors who wish to add OFTP2 functionality to their products.
Also includes Recommendation for OFTP2 Partner Data Exchange using XML.
(corrections 2024-02)
OFTP2 Interoperability Testing Service
Test Cases
Odette tests OFTP2 software products against established Test Cases to ensure that the software complies with the OFTP2 specification (RFC5024) and inter-operates successfully with reference implementations of OFTP2.
This document describes the tests that an OFTP2 software must successfully pass in order to obtain the certificate of "OFTP2 Tested Software" from Odette.
Includes OFTP2 Partner Data XML Exchange - Functionality Tests
Security Certificate Exchange (SCX)
This publication details Odette recommendations on establishing trust between business partners by enabling the automated exchange and renewal of digital Security Certificates and the use of a Trust Service Status List (TSL). These recommendations cover processes, interfaces and protocols for certificate exchange, trust and verification and for achieving the security levels required by business partners for data exchange processes in their commercial and product development relationships.
Security and Risk Reduction (S2R)
This publication defines common security policies, measures and techniques to be implemented between partners with regards to security certificate use. The recommendations cover roles and responsibilities, common risk schema and classification of data, basic security requirements, password policies and data privacy considerations for business partners across the supply chain.
Odette Product Data Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT PRODAT D.03A - Syntax v4
Suppliers Long Term Declaration Message
XML Implementation Guideline
Specifies a data exchange procedure and structured format for the transmission of supplier declarations to customers concerning the origin of the parts they are supplying The declaration in the form of an XML message can be processed automatically in the customer system.
Includes XML Guideline, XML Schema file and associated technical artefacts and business rules for the use of the XML Suppliers Long Term Declaration as well as examples visualised as forms.
EDI Implementation Guidelines
A suite of 12 EDIFACT messages have been developed jointly by ECG, Odette and VDA to cover the entire outbound logistics processes as described in the Finished Vehicle Logistics Process Description (FV00). The publication also includes example use cases and sample messages for each logistics process.
FVL Vehicle Damage Report Message
XML Implementation Guideline
Sent to communicate damage information from the LSP to the OEM.
Odette Transport Status Report Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT IFTSTA D.20B - Syntax v4
Joint Automotive Inventory Report Message
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT D.13A - Syntax v4
(File must be opened with Adobe Acrobat to access attachments)
Empty Packaging Order Message Family
The Empty Packaging Order family of messages includes the Order Proposal, the Order, Order Change and Order Response. An introduction to the empty packaging order process is also provided.
Empty Packaging Transport Order Message Family
The Empty Packaging Transport Order family of messages is split into 2 options. One option is based on using the DESADV message (widely used in the automotive industry) to order transport, the other option is based on IFTxxx messages (used by the transport industry). Users can decide which option is more suited to their own operations and those of their partners.
Empty Packaging Despatch Message Family
The Empty Packaging Despatch family of messages includes the advance notification of packaging delivery and the actual despatch advice. An introduction to the Empty Packaging Despatch process is also included.
Empty Packaging Delivery Message Family
The Empty Packaging Delivery family includes messages that provide status information about the delivery both while it is in-transit and after it is has been unloaded at the destination. The in-transit status is reported using the general Transport Status message (OM41) which can be found in the Track & Trace resources.
Odette Application Error and Acknowledgement
EDI Implementation Guideline
Based on EDIFACT APERAK D.08A - Syntax v4
This message supports automated error handling for incoming EDI messages such as Despatch Advice or Invoice, including:
- Acknowledgement of receipt of the incoming message
- Reporting of syntax errors which prevent further processing.
- Reporting of actual data errors
JAIF Data Identifiers for Use in AutoID
The JAIF* has created a separate table of the ANSI MH10.8.2 Data Identifiers that are actually in use in automotive AutoID applications or are referenced in the various AutoID Recommendations that have been published, either jointly or independently, by JAIF members.
The table of JAIF Data Identifiers is a subset of the full list of Data Identifiers specified in the Data Identifiers standard ANSI MH10.8.2 which is published and maintained by the MH10 Committee for Unit Loads and Transport Packages of MHI.
* Joint Automotive Industry Forum = AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA and Odette
Structure of an EDIFACT Interchange
EDIFACT messages are constructed according to the EDIFACT syntax rules as defined in the ISO 9735 standard.
This recommendation has been drawn up to clarify the basics of the EDIFACT syntax and to provide instructions for the application of these rules in EDI messages.
Version 2 of the recommendation is aligned with ISO 9735 Version 4 Part 11.
Model EDI Agreement
This agreement template has been drafted by EDI and business experts to provide guidance for what has to be agreed between EDI partners to organise the data exchange via EDI and about what to agree between the partners from a commercial point of view.
Digitalising the Part Packaging Agreement
Guideline covering the part packaging agreement process between customers and suppliers and addressing issues of packaging master data and packaging agreements including:
• Returnable packaging, disposable packaging, packaging aids and accessories
• Packaging of production parts, components, raw materials, assemblies
• Packaging of aftermarket and service parts
Download includes:
OM48 Packaging Master Data
OM49 Packaging Data Sheet
OM50 Packaging Data Code Lists
Odette OFTP2 Partner Details Exchange via XML Generator
OFTP2 PDX XML Generator
Online tool developed to simplify the management of partner master data.
Acts as a bridge between solutions with full PDX XML capability and those without by allowing users to generate or view PDX XML data sheet in the correct standard format.
Data sheets generated with the tool are stored on the users local machine only. They are not stored centrally by Odette.
Available to use free of charge.