Providing standards, tools and services
for the automotive supply chain

Labelling resources

Global Transport Label - Odette Profile

(previously published as European Profile)

Members of the JAIF combined the best features from their own label standards – including ISO 15394, ANSI MH10.8.1, the Odette Transport Label and the AIAG B-10 to produce a standard Global Transport Label which includes features such as the ISO “Licence plate,” Linear Bar Code 128 and 2D Data Matrix, QR Code and PDF417. Based on this standard, an Odette profile has been further developed and maintained.

Reference LL08

Version 2.3

Published Dec 2024

VIN Labels in the Vehicle Distribution Process

Developed by Odette and ECG, this recommendation has the following objectives:

- Define a standard location and fixing method for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a size and layout for the vehicle identification label
- Define a minimum content for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a bar-coding standard
- Provide recommendations for the quality of the vehicle identification label

Reference FV26

Version 1.1

Published Jul 2024

Global Transport Label

This document details common Global Transportation Label standards on container-labelling for use by suppliers and customers, and has been updated to include Data Matrix and QR code 2D symbologies. It was developed by collaboration between the members of Odette, AIAG and JAMA automotive associations representing more than 80% of worldwide production.

Reference LL07

Version 3.0

Published Nov 2010

Odette Transport Label - Large (OTL1)

This is the original A5 Odette Transport Label (210mm x 102mm) which is designed to be used on product packaging units and transport packaging units sent between supplier and customer. First introduced in the 1980s, this label spec has been updated several times and is still in widespread use in the automotive industry today.

Reference LL03

Version 1.4.1

Published Mar 2007

Odette Transport Label - Small (OTL3)

This Odette label (210mm x 74mm) was introduced to allow its use on smaller units where the original A5 label was too large. It also allows for the inclusion of additional logistics information to facilitate the automated movement of product packaging units from warehouse to trackside.

Reference LL02

Version 3.1

Published Oct 2005

JAIF Data Identifiers for Use in AutoID

The JAIF* has created a separate table of the ANSI MH10.8.2 Data Identifiers that are actually in use in automotive AutoID applications or are referenced in the various AutoID Recommendations that have been published, either jointly or independently, by JAIF members.

The table of JAIF Data Identifiers is a subset of the full list of Data Identifiers specified in the Data Identifiers standard ANSI MH10.8.2 which is published and maintained by the MH10 Committee for Unit Loads and Transport Packages of MHI.

* Joint Automotive Industry Forum = AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA and Odette

Reference JA01

Version 1.1

Published Oct 2023

Odette GTL Generator (Windows)

Tool provided by Odette to generate Global Transport Labels (Odette Profile) that meet the standard Odette LL08 (VDA 4994).

Sizes currently supported:

A5 (210mm x 148mm)
A6 (148mm x 105mm)
SLC1 (210mm x 74mm)

Contact us if you require any additional sizes that are specified in LL08.

Reference LL08G

Version 2.0

Published Dec 2024

Odette GTL Generator (Linux)

Tool provided by Odette to generate Global Transport Labels (Odette Profile) that meet the standard Odette LL08 (VDA 4994).

Sizes currently supported:

A5 (210mm x 148mm)
A6 (148mm x 105mm)
SLC1 (210mm x 74mm)

Contact us if you require any additional sizes that are specified in LL08.

Reference LL08G

Version 2.0

Published Dec 2024