Finished Vehicle Logistics resources

RFID in Vehicle Distribution Processes
This Odette recommendation describes the processes and methods of tracking and tracing vehicles in the distribution processes from factory to dealer using RFID technology and a smart label. It has been developed to move towards achieving widespread standardisation of RFID component usage, tag data storage and RFID technology implementation across vehicle distribution chains.

VIN Labels in the Vehicle Distribution Process
Developed by Odette and ECG, this recommendation has the following objectives:
- Define a standard location and fixing method for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a size and layout for the vehicle identification label
- Define a minimum content for the vehicle identification label
- Recommend a bar-coding standard
- Provide recommendations for the quality of the vehicle identification label

Digitalisation of Finished Vehicle Logistics
This Recommendation covers typical logistics and service processes undertaken in the distribution of finished vehicles between vehicle manufacturers and their dealerships or other end customers. It specifies standard electronic messages for automated data exchange between vehicle manufacturers (or other shippers) and providers of logistic services. These logistics services can include transport, storage, maintenance, repair and any other actions that may be required during the movement of vehicles from the manufacturer to the dealership.
A set of messages associated with this Recommendation has been developed to cover all communication processes currently defined as being required between partners (vehicle shippers and logistics service providers) in the Finished Vehicle distribution chain.
The Transport Capacity Reservation process was added in Version 1.2

EDI Implementation Guidelines
A suite of 12 EDIFACT messages have been developed jointly by ECG, Odette and VDA to cover the entire outbound logistics processes as described in the Finished Vehicle Logistics Process Description (FV00). The publication also includes example use cases and sample messages for each logistics process.

FVL Vehicle Damage Report Message
XML Implementation Guideline
Sent to communicate damage information from the LSP to the OEM.

Key Performance Indicators for Finished Vehicle Logistics
Provides a consolidation of existing and new KPIs for use between OEMs and logistics service providers involved in the transport of the finished vehicles and their interim storage during the transport process.
Includes a definition of 9 indicators (objectives, scope, how to measure) and a description of application and communication conditions.