API resources

Security Features to consider when developing APIs
Provides guidelines on how to address security features when developing and implementing APIs. It is not intended as a complete and detailed catalogue of measures but should give interested pares hints and best pracce recommendaons on this topic.

Automotive Supply Chain API for Transport Track & Trace
Describes how to define and implement standardised REST-API interfaces for the collection and provision of discrete pieces of information supporting logistics activities in the automotive supply chain.
It includes a data model and functionality for the use of REST-API in transport processes as an extension to established EDI data exchange processes.

Technical Rules for the Use of API in Automotive Supply Processes
Describes how to define and implement standardised REST-API interfaces for collaboration within the automotive industry and between the automotive industry and their partners and focuses on technical rules that are common to all supply processes for the development of all supply chain REST-APIs.

Managing Inbound Transport with Mobile Apps
The recommendation describes a standard model for the exchange of data between the yard management systems of the plants and the transport management system of the transport service providers. Based on this recommendation, application developers will be able to develop and programme the various IT systems in such a way that the requirements for the operational control of transport in the arrival area are supported uniformly across all apps.